CNN Underscored Named AirSquares A Top TikTok Trend

CNN Underscored named AirSquares as one of the 35 obscure products "trending big-time" on TikTok. 


Instead of "obscure" we look at it like growing. We are reaching new customers and fans every day who didn't know there was an easy, effective solution for cleaning their ear buds.


"It may not be something we like to talk about, but ear bud gunk happens." Yes, yes it does.


But while people can see the ear gunk build up in their AirPods and ear buds, many people don't realize that gunk is not only muffling their sound quality it can also interfere with the wireless Bluetooth connectivity.


We get so many reports of people telling us their AirPods are connecting faster - something that not only makes picking up your ear buds for some tunes great but it makes answering a call and switching from speaker to AirPods - or any ear bud set - workable. And faster.


We are so glad AirSquares is trending and sending a big shout out to CNN Underscored for adding us to their trending list.